Friday, October 9, 2015


Today is October 9th. Ten days until arguably the biggest election in Kanata's history. We will rush to the polls to vote on each persons facial features on commercials. Key words like Balanced Budgets and lower taxes.

Remember what a vote means. Today where we stand is at a cultural stand still. Yet, the country calls for change. Today we face the fearmongering of each candidate. Every Candidate promises something different to someone else.

Our current PM is stripping rights, freedoms, culture and tradition from each individual; subtly and systematically. How many people have noticed that their coworkers, friends and relatives are fighting their own battles with the current regime.

Stand back and think about what your vote means. Simply walking to the polls. picking up the paper. Circling, checking or X'ing the person you hope to win. Or rather preventing the person you wish will never win.

Today I have read that Conservatives, Liberals are at a deadlock at early polling stations. Remember. University students are in the thick of midterms, jobs and thoughts of achieving greatness. They will vote, they are not in the early polls.

As well as the fact that I'd bet dollars to donuts that 95% of the media outlets in Canada have an intentional/unintentional Pro PC agenda. After all, they know where their bread is buttered.

Unbeknownst to me I've thrown myself into the thick of what Canada is now. I get emails, about what jobs suit me. Jobs that I'm willing to admit feel beneath me. But to be honest, these are the jobs that are beneath the supposed "second class citizens" in Canada. Sadly, that is about the only job market their is. Every regime will promise jobs. Only a certain number of jobs can be created from the Government. They need to address the economic downturn and the struggles of the middle and lower class. Instead they pad their bottom line by bragging about the rich and the supposed trickle down effect.

I've applied for jobs, I've gotten more thank you's than the average Canadian would hear in a day. It is eye opening. It is frustrating and most of all it is the realistic direction we are heading for. I'm actually glad that as a minority I've had to experienced this.

In 10 days, vote. Vote with your heart knowing that you have contributed to society. Even if it is the only thing you have going on. (Lord knows it's the only thing I'll have going on)

Best Regards,

A voice among the voiceless.

Sunday, October 4, 2015

The politics that comes with politics

What are politics? To the average individual it is a bunch of well-off suits talking through their ass.

Congratulations you are right. Often with politics, none of the choices are right. None of the choices make sense. I listen to people support Harper, I listen to Mulcair. I listen to Trudeau. They all have platforms. Hollow, meaningless platforms.

In order to come a politician you need too....????

I'm not sure, swear an oath? Make money? Say Words?

We have a 3 branched govermentDoes that honestly mean anything to you?

The individual should care about bringing the country up together. Not bringing the part that benefits them the most up with them

Since Parliament was formed in 1867, we have this notion that we are a country free from control. We are controlled, militarily, monetarily. culturally. ETC

I am an aboriginal. Therefore my elders have lived in Canada for longer than most. Since 1867, Aboriginals have been beaten, raped, stripped, pillaged, robbed, killed, and faced cultural genocide. That still stands true today. Today, however; since we have been forced into inhabitable lands the government even wants that for resources. We have no piece to any pie. Voices carry and I am proud of the stance of my brothers.

Kanata is home for me. It is ruled with an almost oligarchical barbaric ruling style. Slowly we are stripped from free speech, actions, thoughts and reason.

How many of you know that we are not as multicultural as we seem. The recent meetings in parliament were to discuss the banning of the iconic Niqab. A niqab is a historical and cultural icon to the Muslim culture.

Along those same lines, the Government is nicely controlling how the citizenship works. Easier for Europeans and near impossible for people from the Caribbean. Canada is slowly starting to move to a privatized health care. Pharmaceutical companies are robbing people in Canada with asinine prices. Because it pads the Governments bottom line.

What it means to be Canadian is we watch hockey, drink coffee, bitch about the cold and completely ignore the people who have ruled for decades.

The election is October 19th. Make sure you go and vote. Make sure you get yourself informed. Whether you vote for Conservatives, Liberals, Bloc, NDP or Green Party. Go out and vote. Your vote is your voice. Your voice is your vote.

Let's make Canada better. Let's be proud to be Canadian.

Awoken to numbness.

Numbness, in my opinion is the worst emotion you can feel. It carries from all other emotions. Controls your actions, or inaction. Controls your care or carelessness. This is life. Everyday becomes its own adventure. None of them particularly fun, logical or even necessary.

Today I awoke to the news that bombs have went off killing doctors trying to help civillians in a war torn country.

Yesterday afternoon I could not turn on the television without hearing about a kid succumbing to his own mental illness and unfortunately taking others with them

Today I woke up to a priest coming out as homosexual. Finally some positive news... Nope, he was fired.

A world wrought with politics. A world wrought with hate. A world wrought with frustration.

Who is to blame? Government? communities? parents? schools? media? interpersonal relationships?

I'm not one to pinpoint. I am here to point out that us as a society is numb to 9 kids being killed with their whole lives ahead of them. Numb to the idea that across the Atlantic there are entire communities wiped from existence in genocidal practices.

We are numb to refugees afraid for their lives and how it will EFFECT OUR LIVES, never theirs.

We are numb to the gun debate.

Numb to our own lives.

Happiness is a veiled emotion. I would argue true happiness does not happen until the moment before you die. Or at least it would be the happiest I would think a person could feel.

It is concerning to me that gun control is not at the forefront.

It is concerning that we are in a recession with not much to look forward too.

It bothers me that within Canada there is currently a cultural genocide going on (for the last how many centuries) and no one cares.

Is it that voices are not heard? Is it that we are all truly apathetic.

We are all just waiting for our own numbers to be called.

We are all just waiting for things to change without doing anything.

Silence is a gold polished turd.

Society is numb
Those in power are numb
Those in poverty are numb
You are numb
I am numb.

Best Regards,
